
Autism Spectrum Disorders

Our Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) and Pervasive Developmental Delay (PDD) individualized treatment programs focus on social communication and language-based intervention for children with these diagnoses. We provide rehabilitation through comprehensive and goal-directed treatment. Our mission is to help each child achieve their maximum communicative, functional and social potential.

Service Overview

A diagnostic evaluation is completed. Standardized test results, as well as diagnostic impressions and recommendations, are discussed following the evaluation during a parent conference. We offer individualized and group treatment sessions with parent observation. Specific instruction and home programs are designed to enhance the child's progress outside the clinic environment. We constantly re-evaluate communication skills and modify goals when progress occurs. To ensure coordination of care, we communicate with others involved in the child's development.

Visual systems to enhance communication, including Picture Exchange Communication Systems, are used in individual and group treatment sessions.

Related Programs

Pediatric Autism Learning System for Pragmatic and Language Stimulation (PALS for PALS) is an intervention program critical to making significant changes in the severity of autism. PALS for PALS improves:

  • social communication
  • regulating emotion
  • increasing eye contact
  • turn taking
  • transitioning
  • joint attention
  • attention to task
  • initiation and requesting skills
  • functional language
  • play skills

Pragmatic Enrichment Program (PEP) is specifically designed to teach and encourage social interactive skills while providing exciting language-enhancing activities. Children participate in positive social experiences and build confidence in social situations. PEP provides instruction and improves:

  • greeting and salutations
  • initiating and ending conversations
  • understanding social cues
  • conversational maintenance and repair
  • social problem-solving

Skills of Clinicians

Our nationally accredited staff members are clinically certified in Speech and Language Pathology and are specialists in working with children who are diagnosed with an Autism Spectrum Disorder. In addition, our department is a recognized training center for physicians and graduate-level students in speech and language pathology.