
Beaumont Children's offers a number of clinical autism treatment programs for children on the spectrum of disorders. These services are provided by the Center for Human Development (CHD), Center for exceptional families (CEF),  children's speech and language pathology, physical and occupational therapy and social work. These specialized autism treatment programs allow highly trained Beaumont professionals to individualize critical and timely treatment based on the needs of a particular child.

The multidisciplinary approach offered at Beaumont makes sure that appropriate assessment, diagnosis and treatment is available for families and children experiencing the challenging effects of autism.

By combining one or more of these many autism treatment programs, representing a variety of respected and differing approaches to intervention, Beaumont's experienced and highly skilled physicians and clinicians can modify treatment as a child grows, progresses and becomes more involved with family, friends and the educational opportunities in the community.

Parent/Caregiver Support
Parent/Caregiver Support
Diagnostic Assessments
Diagnostic Assessments
Group Therapy Options
Group Therapy Options