
Doctor and patient

It’s a scary thing, seeing blood in your stool (aka “fecal matter” or “poop”). If you see bright red blood on the tissue or in the toilet, that is likely due to rectal bleeding. Blood in your stool usually has what is described as a black and tarry appearance. When there is bleeding higher up in the colon or digestive system, it makes the stool look very dark. 

Any time you notice blood or think there might be blood in your stool, you should contact your doctor. This isn’t always a sign of cancer, but it’s good to get it checked out right away no matter what it’s from. It’s also important to know that not all bleeding in the intestinal tract will lead to blood that’s visible to the naked eye. You may have blood in your stool and not know it. So, if you have any signs or symptoms of colorectal cancer or you’re over age 45, talk to your doctor about getting a colonoscopy.

Causes of Blood in Stool

Bloody stool and bloody diarrhea are both signs of colorectal cancer, and therefore they should never be ignored. The sooner you are diagnosed, the more effective treatment options will be.

There are other causes of blood in your stool, such as:

Don’t Wait. Get Screened.

If you have blood in your stool or notice blood in the toilet or on the toilet paper after a bowel movement, call your doctor right away. Do not wait to see if it goes away on its own.

And If you’re over 45, we recommend scheduling a colonoscopy – whether you have risk factors or not. If you do have risk factors, such as a family history or certain inherited colon cancer syndromes, you may need your   colonoscopy earlier. Ask your doctor when the right time is for you to have yours. 

Call (248) 577-9277 to ask for a referral for your colorectal cancer screen, and take control of your bowel health today.