
At Beaumont Children’s, we believe that children deserve to be treated with understanding and compassion and to receive the highest quality health care. Children’s hospitals are specifically designed to take care of the whole child through a family-centered approach to medicine. Here are some ways in which children’s hospitals are different.

  • Growth and Development – Children grow through many stages as they mature from infancy into adulthood. Illnesses affect children differently from adults, and the effects can be quite distinct during different stages of development. The staff at Beaumont Children’s understand these differences and can work with children and families to achieve the best outcomes.
  • Illnesses – Some childhood illnesses are rarely seen in adults, and other diseases look different in children than in adults. One in every 10 children has a chronic, long-lasting illness that requires continuing medical care. Our physicians, nurses and support staff spend years preparing to work with children and understand their unique medical, physical, emotional and social needs.
  • Size – Children from premature to nearly grown need equipment and services to fit. Only about 6 percent of American hospitals are equipped with pediatric supplies, according to the American Academy of Pediatrics and the American College of Emergency Physicians. Beaumont Children’s stocks all the right kinds and sizes of equipment – from blood pressure cuffs to breathing tubes – for any size child. The hospital even calculates the lowest dose of radiation possible for a child, based on individual size, for X-rays and other radiology tests.
  • Communication – Children may be too young to talk or have trouble expressing themselves. The Beaumont Children’s pediatric staff is trained to recognize when a child is in distress, needs pain medication, or is struggling to understand what’s happening. We can talk with siblings and family members, too, easing anxiety and building trust.

Experienced Care Specifically For Children

Here are some things to consider when choosing a children's hospital:

  • Find out who will treat your child. Children’s hospitals employ board-certified pediatric specialists. Ask if the anesthesiologist, radiologist or surgeon who will treat your child has special training in pediatrics. At Beaumont, we have pediatric anesthesiologists, radiologists and surgical teams who specialize in treating children.
  • Talk to other parents about their experiences. Word of mouth is one of the best ways to find out what type of care your child can expect.
  • Work with your child’s primary care provider. Patients come to Beaumont Children’s from all over the region and all over the world. Our specialists are available to consult with your child’s primary doctor before and after diagnosis, hospitalization or treatment.
  • Learn more. The National Association of Children’s Hospitals and Related Institutions (NACHRI) recommends that you ask these questions.
    • Are the subspecialists board-certified?
    • What is the patient-to-nurse ratio in the unit where your child will be staying?
    • Is an active quality improvement program in place?
    • Is the hospital clean and child-friendly?
    • What is the hospital’s record in treating your child’s illness?
    • How many procedures are performed at the hospital each year?
    • What are the outcomes of the treatment your child will receive?
    • Are parents allowed to stay overnight?
    • Are there special facilities for the families of patients?
    • What is the communication protocol between the hospital’s doctors and your child’s pediatrician?

Beaumont Children’s continues the tradition of excellence established throughout all Beaumont services and facilities. Since 1988, Beaumont hospitals have been the only Children’s Miracle Network affiliate in Southeast Michigan. This means that Beaumont, through its affiliation with Children’s Miracle Network, is able to provide the finest medical care, life-saving research and preventive education to help millions of kids overcome diseases and injuries of every kind.