
Pragmatic Enrichment Program (PEP)

The Pragmatic Enrichment Program (PEP) is a group program designed to teach children with language impairments to interact comfortably with their peers. The goal is to help the child have more positive relationships and more success interacting in the classroom setting. Specific areas of social interactive and pragmatic skills are addressed.

These include:

  • how to start conversations
  • how to maintain conversations
  • how to end conversations
  • improving eye contact
  • taking conversational turns

Children also are taught social-problem solving skills to help them work out their differences effectively.

Each group treatment program contains between six to eight children and is team-taught by two speech and language pathologists. Hour sessions are held once weekly and may be beneficial in conjunction with your child's individual treatment program.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are pragmatics?

Pragmatic skills involve the way we use communication both verbally and non-verbally. Pragmatic skills include conversational skills, body posture, facial expression and eye contact.

Who could benefit from a pragmatic group?

A child experiencing difficulty with building social relationships with peers, social problem solving, starting, continuing or ending a conversation and maintaining or changing a topic.