
Nuclear Cystogram

A nuclear cystogram is used to evaluate the bladder and ureters of a child's urinary system.


Your child will be asked to lay down on his/her back so a catheter can be placed into the bladder. The technologist will attach an IV to the catheter, which will transfer sterile saline solution into your child's bladder. The bladder is filled until maximum tolerance is reached. Pictures are made while the bladder is filling, so please help your child to lay quietly. When the bladder is filled, two images will be taken. Then, your child will be seated on a small commode with his/her back to the camera. The technologist will instruct your child to empty his/her bladder once the catheter is removed. Images will be created while your child is voiding the bladder. You should plan on this exam taking 45 minutes to one hour.


  • Bring a list of your child's medications.
  • Your child may continue taking their medications as instructed.
  • Your child may eat and drink as usual (unless the exam is being performed with anesthesia).
  • If possible, have your child empty his/her bladder just before leaving for the appointment. Also, try to have your child drink a few ounces on the way to the appointment. This makes it easier for the catheter to be placed.
  • If this exam is being performed with anesthesia, it is important to follow the instructions from the anesthesiologist.
  • Remember to bring the written order (prescription), for this test, given to you by your doctor.

A television and VCR are available. You child may watch a video during the exam.