
Kidney Transplant Patient Resources

Welcome to the Kidney Transplant Program at Beaumont. We realize that you will be receiving a great deal of new information, and that you will have many questions and concerns. We hope the following information will be helpful in answering questions related to kidney transplantation.

Kidney Transplant: What You Need to Know (PDF)

This booklet will help you understand the following information:

  • what kidney (renal) failure is
  • what three major forms of treatment are now available
  • interviews that will take place to discuss the possibility of a kidney transplant
  • diagnostic studies that are needed during the evaluation phase
  • minimum time it takes to complete the evaluation phase
  • what happens after admission to the hospital
  • what to expect before and after surgery
  • what happens after a kidney transplant

Kidney Donation: What You Need to Know (PDF)

This booklet will help you understand the following information:

  • medical evaluation
  • before surgery
  • kidney donation surgery
  • day of surgery
  • after surgery
  • long-term complications
  • frequently asked questions

Kidney Donor Questionnaire (PDF)

Life After Kidney Transplant (PDF)
Financial Handbook (PDF)


This booklet is a helpful reference to explain the costs associated with kidney transplantation such as:

  •     transplant evaluation and testing
  •     transplant surgery
  •     hospital stay
  •     follow-up care after your transplant surgery
  •     laboratory testing and X-rays
  •     medications