
Kidney Transplant Evaluation Process

Each potential recipient is required to undergo a comprehensive medical assessment including education and evaluation by our multidisciplinary team. We offer a personalized approach to every patient and request that you bring your support team to the evaluation with you. The appointment can last approximately 5 - 6 hours, so please plan accordingly. The evaluation is usually completed in one day, although additional testing may be requested to clarify medical conditions that could increase the risk of surgery and chronic immunosuppression.

Our experienced staff will guide you through each step of the transplant process so you can move forward as quickly as possible with your treatment plan. In the days following your evaluation, the Transplant Selection Committee will review your entire case and evaluate your candidacy for kidney transplant.

What should I bring to my appointment?

  • support people (family members, caregivers, etc.)
  • picture ID and insurance card
  • updated medication list


All evaluations are held in our Multi-Organ Transplant Clinic. We are located on the Corewell »ÆÉ«²Ö¿â William Beaumont University Hospital campus in the Medical Office Building, Suite 644.

Patients should park in the North parking deck located directly across from the Medical Office Building.

While listed

While you are on the list, you will be seen in the transplant clinic annually to update any necessary testing requirements, insurance information and to communicate any changes in your health condition. Compliance with your follow up appointments is essential to a successful transplant experience. Your transplant nurse coordinator will help to ensure that all testing is kept up-to-date.

The pre-transplant period is the time to optimize your health. The stronger you are pre-transplant, the smoother your recovery will go. Maintaining a balanced diet, maintaining dialysis appointments, taking your medications appropriately, and staying active are just a few things you should be doing. You should notify your nurse coordinator any time you are hospitalized or have a change in your health condition.