
Cardiac Rehabilitation

Cardiac rehabilitation is a comprehensive program consisting of exercise therapy, heart disease risk factor modification, and heart-healthy nutrition counseling. Our cardiac rehab programs meet the rigorous guidelines as stated by the American Association of Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Rehabilitation.

Our specialized clinicians work with you to develop and implement an individualized care plan that meets your unique goals and needs.

Candidates for Cardiac Rehab

Most health insurance plans  cover cardiac rehab services for the following diagnoses:

  • Heart attack (myocardial infarction) within the past 12 months
  • Coronary artery bypass surgery within the past 6 months
  • Heart valve repair/replacement
  • Coronary angioplasty or stenting within the past 6 months
  • Heart or heart-lung transplant within the past 12 months
  • Stable angina pectoris (chest or other discomfort related to the heart)
  • Stable, chronic systolic heart failure (with ejection fraction < 35%)

Getting Started

Once we receive a referral from  your physician, we will contact you to schedule an orientation interview. If you are interested in participating but don't have a physician referral, you  can call the most convenient cardiac rehab site below and the staff at that  site will request a referral from your physician.

Program Structure

Exercise therapy sessions meet 2-3 times weekly for 4 to 12 weeks for approximately one hour per session. You will perform exercises to develop cardiovascular endurance, muscular strength and flexibility. Again, your exercise prescription will be tailored to your specific needs.

In addition, you may choose to attend a variety of educational sessions to address topics such as heart-healthy nutrition, weight management, smoking cessation, and stress management.

Phase II Cardiac Rehabilitation

Patients who have had a recent cardiac event, procedure or diagnosis may be eligible for Phase II cardiac rehabilitation. A referral from your cardiologist is required to enroll. Phase II cardiac rehabilitation consists of:

  • individual, one-time orientation with an exercise physiologist or nurse
  • regularly scheduled 45-60 minute exercise sessions two to three days per week, with ECG-monitoring
  • comprehensive medical supervision
  • cardiovascular risk factor education

To complement your exercise program, you may elect to participate in an educational counseling session, a stress reduction group, a cardiac support group (see ), and resistance training, if appropriate. Dietary counseling and diabetes education are also available, on a referral basis. 

»ÆÉ«²Ö¿â insurance will often cover a large portion of the expenses incurred by your participation in Phase II cardiac rehabilitation. However, individual insurance programs vary; please verify the coverage available to you. The duration of cardiac rehabilitation is determined by your clinical status, insurance coverage, cardiovascular history and responses to exercise observed during your care.

Phase III Cardiac Rehabilitation

Patients with a cardiac diagnosis that are ineligible for Phase II cardiac rehabilitation may elect to participate in Phase III cardiac rehabilitation. A referral from your cardiologist is required to enroll. Before beginning this maintenance program, participants complete three, one-hour ECG-monitored exercise sessions that assist staff in developing an exercise prescription and screening for adverse responses to exercise. Phase III cardiac rehabilitation includes a group-based, medically supervised exercise program, up to five days per week for one hour. Phase III cardiac rehabilitation is based on a monthly fee not typically covered by insurance.

Depending on location, additional activities may include balance and flexibility sessions, an Advanced Training Program (ATP), a cardiac support group, Tai Chi, monthly educational lectures, and stress reduction and weight management groups. These adjunct offerings may represent an additional out-of-pocket cost and are not available at all sites.