
When the body works as it’s designed to, all of the parts work together to make mobility easy. The musculoskeletal system works together to help us sit, stand, walk and do almost everything we do. This system is made up of bones, joints, muscles, tendons, and other connective tissue that helps us move. When some parts don’t work, it can be difficult and painful to move. Joint pain can lead to serious mobility issues. 

The knees, hips, joints, shoulders, and back are all prone to injury and pain that can limit mobility and reduce range of motion. For example, if our knees and hips aren’t working properly or are painful, it can be hard to sit, stand, or walk. If our shoulders aren’t working well or we have pain when moving them, it can be difficult to do everyday activities like putting dishes away in the cabinet, lifting or carrying things. 

Conditions that can limit mobility

Many conditions can limit your mobility and reduce range of motion in your joints. Some of the more common conditions are:

  • ACL tears
  • MCL tears
  • Rotator cuff injuries
  • Bursitis of the hip 
  • Arthritis
  • Tendonitis

These conditions tend to cause symptoms that make it difficult to move around easily and without pain. These mobility-limiting symptoms may include:

  • Pain
  • Swelling
  • Stiffness

What is range of motion?

When it comes to your joints, “range of motion” is the direction a joint can move and how far it can move in that direction. The range of motion that is considered normal has established ranges, such as degrees a joint should be able to move. The normal range of motion for a knee is 130 degrees. When range of motion is normal, joints like the elbow and knee, among others, should be able to be straightened. If you cannot straighten your leg or your arm, you do not have full range of motion in either your knee or elbow joint.

Range of motion tends to decrease with age, but it can also decrease due to health conditions or injuries. With treatment, range of motion can often be improved.

Learn more about how different joints can be affected by limited range of motion, what can affect mobility of those joints, and what can be done to improve range of motion and mobility.

  • Hip Mobility
  • Knee Mobility
  • Shoulder Mobility
  • Back Mobility

Beaumont can help improve your mobility

Beaumont’s orthopedic program is available throughout Metro Detroit. Call today to make an appointment with a Beaumont orthopedic surgeon or other mobility specialist who can talk to you about your joint pain and help you find the treatment that best fits your lifestyle. No matter which type of orthopedic condition you may have, we have a team of specialists ready to determine the best treatment option for you.

Call 800-633-7377 to make an appointment with a Beaumont mobility specialist.