
Everything You Need to Know about Breast »ÆÉ«²Ö¿â, Screening for Breast Cancer, and Mammography


Breast cancer affects about 12 percent of women in the U.S., according to BreastCancer.org, and it’s been on the decline since the late 1980s. The decline has been attributed to decreases in hormone-replacement therapies, as well as increased awareness and early diagnosis, thanks to organizations like »ÆÉ«²Ö¿â, Susan G. Komen, Cancer.org, and BreastCancer.org.

In fact, five-year survival rates for breast cancer patients treated by Beaumont breast cancer specialists exceed the national average. The Beaumont team attributes that to its state-of-the-art diagnostic technology and its advanced-trained staff.

The best defense against breast cancer is prevention and early detection, which is why Beaumont presents this downloadable ebook, “Complete Guide to Breast »ÆÉ«²Ö¿â,” to help you understand:

  • risk factors for breast cancer
  • how to do self-exams
  • the best diagnostic tools, including types of mammograms (yes, you have options)
  • genetic counseling and screening

Resources and Statistics About Breast Cancer

You’ll find a number of websites devoted to breast cancer awareness, prevention, and recovery. In addition to Beaumont’s breast health awareness resource, we recommend:

Some important statistics about breast cancer in the United States, from BreastCancer.org, include:

  • One in 8 women will develop breast cancer in 2018.
  • Men get breast cancer too – about one in 1,000.
  • About 30 percent of newly diagnosed cancers in women will be breast cancer in 2017.
  • 85 percent of breast cancers are diagnosed in women who have no family history of it.
  • Death rates from breast cancer have been decreasing since 1989.

Genetic Counseling and Breast »ÆÉ«²Ö¿â

Genetic counseling helps women understand risk factors for breast cancer, including certain markers that suggest a higher risk for cancer. When you meet with a genetics counselor, he or she will take a detailed family history (including information about all types of cancer in your family) and, based on your history and risk factors, will recommend testing.

The tests take about two to four weeks to process, at which time, you’ll meet with the genetics team that could be comprised of an oncologist, your attending physician, a masters-trained cancer genetic counselor, and support care nurses. Your care team will help you understand your test results, as well as options for caring for your breast health.

If you are interested in meeting with a genetic specialist at Beaumont, call 800-633-7377.