
A team of many different people and specialties make up the ICU.  Each person has a different set of skills and knowledge. Physicians, residents and extenders help plan a patient's care, while nurses do most of the hands-on care and monitoring. Other members of the care team can include:

  • respiratory therapists - breathing problems
  • physical therapists - strength and flexibility
  • dietitians - eating concerns and nutrition
  • social workers/case managers - financial, resource and insurance concerns
  • clergy (priest, minister, rabbi) - spiritual support
  • other support staff assist with drawing blood, transporting patient and serving meals

Doctors involved with the care of patients in the Neuro ICU include neurosurgeons and intensivists with training in internal medicine, surgery and critical care. A team of nurse practitioners and physician assistants with specialized neuro training are also part of a patient's care team.