
Hope-Center The Ted Lindsay Foundation HOPE Center at Beaumont Children's provides Hands-On Parent Education (HOPE) to families of children with autism spectrum disorders and other developmental disorders. The autism support services offered by the center continue to grow thanks to a generous gift from The Ted Lindsay Foundation.


In the past, there were few scientifically-supported childhood development disorder treatments to offer families, but now there is hope. Research demonstrates that intensive behavioral intervention can dramatically change the lives of children with autism and other developmental disorders. Techniques from the field of applied behavior analysis (ABA) effectively teach children to communicate, play appropriately and interact with others. The Lindsay HOPE Center uses a family-focused approach, stressing partnerships between Beaumont Children's behavioral intervention specialists and parents. We offer a wide variety of services to families, as outlined below.

Behavioral Interventions for Preschoolers

The Lindsay HOPE Center offers several behavioral intervention programs for children and families, each of which incorporates hands-on parent education. One such program is Children with Autism Reaching Excellence (CARE).

Behavioral Intervention Consultation

The Lindsay HOPE Center at Beaumont Children's provides individual consultation from psychologists with expertise in applied behavior analysis, many of whom are board-certified behavior analysts. Families meet individually with Lindsay HOPE Center psychologists on a regular basis provide behavioral interventions for children. Consultants can also work with local school districts to help with educational planning and/or behavior management in class.

Programs for Parents

The Lindsay HOPE Center offers programs for parents who want more information about using behavioral interventions for children with autism and other developmental disabilities.