
Audiology is the science of hearing. Pediatric audiologists evaluate hearing, measure hearing loss, and provide rehabilitation and hearing aids in children. Pediatric audiologists at Beaumont Children’s understand the importance of hearing to a child’s development, and bring their extensive experience to this difficult-to-test population. If hearing problems can be identified early, their impact on language and speech can be minimized with appropriate devices and procedures.

Beaumont Children’s pediatric audiologists see thousands of children each year, from newborns who fail screening tests for hearing to children experiencing speech and language delays or academic difficulties.

A variety of pediatric audiology tests help to identify specific hearing problems. These tests serve as the basis for treatment recommendations.

  • acoustic reflexes
  • auditory steady state response (ASSR)
  • brainstem auditory evoked response (BAER)
  • otoacoustic emissions
  • tympanograms
  • visual reinforcement audiometry

Almost 3,000 procedures are performed annually by Beaumont Children’s pediatric hearing experts. They work in concert with medical, speech and language, and learning and development specialists to help children realize their full potential.