
Neonatal Intensive Care

The NICU admits about 550 critically ill infants annually. Approximately 10 percent of these newborns are transported from community hospitals located in Southeastern Michigan. More than 11 percent of babies born in the U.S. are premature. Of these infants, more than 70 percent will be admitted to a neonatal intensive care unit (NICU). Beaumont Children's has three NICU locations.

Nurturing Babies, Supporting Families

Although the fragile newborns we care for are sustained by sophisticated equipment, Beaumont Children’s Hospital never loses sight of the healing power of “the human touch.” To actively support family ties

  • there are no restrictions on visiting hours; in fact, we encourage you to visit your baby at any time
  • we encourage you to hold your baby whenever possible because "skin-to-skin" care is an important aspect of nurturing
  • breastfeeding coaches are available to help you feed your premature baby
  • the Parenting Program, provides an extensive support system for parents with children in the NICU that gives moms and dads the opportunity to talk with other parents in a similar situation

Knowledgeable NICU Experts

Our highly skilled, board-certified neonatologists deliver specialized care deliver and the most technologically advanced treatment in Beaumont Children's state-of-the-art facilities. Special procedures available in our NICU include:

  • surgery for advanced retinopathy of prematurity
  • high frequency oscillatory ventilation
  • inhaled nitric oxide therapy
  • neuroprotective head cooling

The pediatric medical and surgical subspecialists at Beaumont Children’s are trained to assist in every aspect of your baby’s continuing care and development. Beaumont’s physicians, nurses and other clinical staff care for thousands of tiny babies each year and are always willing to share their expertise and insights. Staff neonatologists provide ongoing communication and are available to you and your baby at 24 hours a day. Your team continues to be available for follow-up care after your baby leaves the hospital.

Beaumont Children’s offers premature infants treatment for:

  • anemia
  • asphyxia
  • complications of prematurity
  • congenital birth defects
  • infections
  • intestinal disorders
  • jaundice
  • liver disorders
  • newborn seizures
  • newborn surgical problems
  • nonsurgical heart disease
  • respiratory failure