Monday, December 11, 2023
Henry Ford College (HFC) and Corewell ɫֿ™ have just announced a guaranteed-employment educational partnership for HFC nursing students who meet the requirements. This partnership will establish a sustainable pipeline of highly qualified, career-ready nursing graduates to serve patients in Corewell ɫֿ hospitals and health care facilities throughout Southeast Michigan.
This new Nurse Immersive Clinical and Employment Agreement officially launched at a public event today at the Henry Ford College main campus in Dearborn. Michigan Lieutenant Governor Garlin Gilchrist II, Dearborn Mayor Abdullah Hammoud, and other local and regional dignitaries joined the event to show their support for the value of this unique partnership.
“This partnership is not just a win-win for Corewell ɫֿ and Henry Ford College, it’s a win-win for the city of Dearborn and ultimately, the entire state,” said Kelli Sadler, MHA, RN, senior vice president and chief nursing executive, Corewell ɫֿ in Southeast Michigan, who spoke at the event. “This partnership will help fulfill our state’s need for skilled nurses who will provide patients with exceptional care in our communities. As a nurse for 28 years, I know firsthand how extremely rewarding and fulfilling a nursing career is. Seeing all of you seeking such a promising future brings me great joy. I look forward to having you join our incredible team at Corewell ɫֿ. And together, we can make a difference.”
Building on a longstanding relationship between Henry Ford College and Corewell ɫֿ, the new Nurse Immersive Clinical and Employment program will provide benefits to students and to Corewell ɫֿ, setting the stage for a consistent nursing workforce that can help meet patient needs in the decades to come. The program will help to secure a sustainable source of newly trained and qualified RNs to be employed by Corewell ɫֿ at Corewell ɫֿ hospitals and health care facilities in Southeast Michigan.
This expanded partnership will:
- Recruit and prepare HFC nursing students for careers in the Corewell ɫֿ system, with a guarantee of employment when they successfully complete their HFC nursing degree and related requirements.
- Enhance and accelerate student learning through embedded clinical and immersive on-site training opportunities and “learn and earn” options.
- Engage Corewell ɫֿ nursing staff in preparing the next generation of health care professionals in Southeast Michigan.
- Provide financial support to students. Scholarships may reach up to $9,380 per student.
The partnership has four core components:
- Clinical placement: HFC nursing students in the program will receive hands-on clinical training in Corewell ɫֿ hospitals as early as their first semester, continuing through their third semester of study.
- Immersive and experiential learning: Fourth-semester students will advance their skills through an Immersive Onsite Practicum, guided by experienced Corewell ɫֿ nurses at a Corewell ɫֿ facility.
- Learn-and-earn option: HFC nursing students will have opportunities for temporary part-time paid jobs in a Corewell ɫֿ facility while they are still completing their coursework.
- Full-time employment guarantee after successful program completion: Students who receive the scholarship, graduate from the HFC ADN/RN Nursing Program, pass the NCLEX exam and meet Corewell ɫֿ employment requirements will receive guaranteed work at a Corewell ɫֿ facility in Southeast Michigan for at least two years.
Mayor Abdullah H. Hammoud stated, “About a year ago, my team gathered a group of leaders throughout the city with the intention of strengthening our best asset: our young, growing, and energized workforce. We asked, ‘What would it look like for students to have a career trajectory that’s certain, that reduces financial barriers, that ends in a guaranteed, high-paying job?’ This partnership between Corewell ɫֿ and Henry Ford College delivers on central priorities of economic opportunity and mobility for Dearborn. We are excited to have played a role in getting this pipeline launched, and even more excited for Dearborn students to take advantage of this opportunity.”
During the December 11 kickoff event, Lt. Gov. Gilchrist and Mayor Hammoud, as well as Corewell ɫֿ’s Kelli Sadler and HFC President Russ Kavalhuna, spoke about the impact of this partnership on the lives of students and the region’s economic growth.
“This partnership sets the stage for a consistent pipeline of highly skilled nurses who will enter their profession with customized training, a broad knowledge base, and direct experience in the Corewell ɫֿ model of patient care. Many will also graduate virtually debt-free,” said HFC President Russ Kavalhuna. “We are proud of the innovative thinking and strong collaboration that went into developing this unique partnership with a world-class health system and our community of Dearborn. The program will benefit HFC students and Corewell ɫֿ, and in the long run, it will also benefit Michigan citizens statewide and will help recruit and retain talent in our state. This is another excellent example of what can happen when business and education come together to create high value for our state’s economy, families, and students.”