Tuesday, October 12, 2021

When scheduling your mammogram, it’s important to understand how the COVID-19 vaccine may play a part.
The COVID-19 vaccine, as well as many other vaccines, can cause swollen lymph nodes in some people, which may be identified on breast imaging. This is a normal reaction to the vaccine, and they should resolve on their own.
According to , Diagnostic Radiologist at Beaumont Hospital, Dearborn, “The likelihood of the vaccine affecting your mammogram results is low. If you have a concern, consider scheduling your mammogram before you receive the vaccine or 4 weeks after you receive your second dose. However, patients should not delay any recommended follow up breast imaging."
How do the COVID-19 vaccines effect my mammogram results?
The COVID-19 vaccines can cause swollen lymph nodes in the axilla/armpit area in some people, which may be identified on breast imaging. Swollen lymph nodes are a normal reaction to a vaccine and should resolve on their own.
I am scheduled to get the COVID-19 vaccine. Should I wait to schedule my screening mammogram?
The likelihood of the vaccine effecting your mammogram results is low. However, if you have a concern, consider scheduling your mammogram before you receive the COVID-19 vaccine or 4 weeks after you receive your second dose.
Should I tell the technologist I had the vaccine?
Yes, please let the technologist know when, and in what arm, you received the vaccine.
What happens if swollen lymph nodes are identified on my screening mammogram?
A short-term follow-up exam will be considered 4-12 weeks following your second vaccine dose.
I was called back for additional imaging and I just got vaccinated, should I still come for my appointment?
Patients should not delay any recommended follow up breast imaging.
If you have questions or concerns about the COVID-19 vaccine or your screening mammogram, please talk to your doctor.