Candidates for liver transplant undergo a comprehensive evaluation by all members of the transplant team. The liver transplant team offers a personalized approach to every patient.
How to get evaluated
If you're looking to initiate an evaluation, or for a second opinion, please call 248-551-1010 and you will be put in touch with our experienced Liver Transplant Nurse Coordinators.
Day of evaluation
During the liver transplant evaluation, patients and their support team will meet with each member of the transplant team, including a hepatologist, transplant surgeon, transplant nurse, social worker, financial coordinator, and dietitian. Patients will also have blood drawn for standard lab work. The liver transplant evaluation appointment can last approximately 5-6 hours, so you and your support team should plan accordingly. In the days following your evaluation, the Transplant Selection Committee will review the patient’s entire case and evaluate the patient’s candidacy. Patients will receive a letter with notification of the committee’s decision within two weeks of evaluation. Once deemed a potential candidate for liver transplant, patients will need to complete a personalized evaluation plan for further testing, which will be mailed to you. Candidates are typically given six weeks to complete their testing.
What should I bring to my appointment?
- two support people
- picture ID and insurance card
- updated medication list
- past medical records (if performed at institutions other than Beaumont) including:
- liver imaging ( MRI, CT scan, ultrasound reports)
- biopsy reports
- colonoscopy or upper endoscopy (EGD) reports
- stress tests and echocardiogram reports
- recent lab work
Due to the duration of the appointment on evaluation day, we encourage you and your support team to bring a snack and beverage.
All evaluations are held in our Multi Organ Transplant Clinic. We are located on the Corewell »ÆÉ«²Ö¿â William Beaumont University Hospital campus in the Medical Office Building, Suite 644. Patients should park in the North parking deck located directly across from the Medical Office Building.
While listed
While you are on the list, you will be seen in the Transplant Clinic regularly to review your pre transplant status and to communicate any changes in the transplant program. The frequency in which you are seen is dependent on your condition. Compliance with your follow up appointments is essential to a successful transplant experience. Your Transplant Nurse Coordinator will help to ensure that all testing is kept up-to-date.
How long will it be before I receive a liver?
The average waiting time for a liver transplant varies. Your blood type, severity of your illness, and the availability of donor organs all affect your waiting time. Livers are allocated by MELD scores. The higher your MELD score, the more likely you are to receive an organ offer.
What things should I be doing while I wait?
The pre transplant period is the time to optimize your health. The stronger you are pre transplant, the smoother your recovery will go. Maintaining a balanced diet, taking your medications appropriately, and staying active are just a few things you should be doing. You should notify your nurse coordinator any time you are hospitalized or have a change in your health condition. For any medical emergency, such as difficulty breathing, decreased level of consciousness, or new onset bleeding, please go directly to the nearest emergency room.
When an organ offer becomes available, you will be notified by the Transplant Nurse Coordinator or Transplant Surgeon. It is important to return all missed calls and messages promptly. You will be given directions on how to proceed at that time. At least one member of your support team will be expected to accompany you to the hospital at the time of transplant.